Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Highest Low Ever

i am too poor and too proud to have an iphone, however if i did it would probably have looked like this yesterday:

that apparently is a screenshot taken from our friend Drew's iphone (i'll admit that however he did that--it's pretty damn cool).  although the night time forecast looks a little more promising, do not be fooled!  last night Melbourne broke its record for the hottest night ever.  we were there at the front lines in our top floor apartment with no cross breeze.  perhaps we were lucky not to have a cross breeze because when it's that hot it feels more or less like a convection oven.

the news this morning showed that the overnight low at 5:57am was 32.3 degrees centigrade or for you folks back home: 90 degrees fahrenheit.  that was the COOLEST it got last night.  this is not to mention all the heat radiating off of everything in the apartment.  putting my contacts in this morning was dipping my finger into an exceptionally warm puddle of saline solution, and reaching for the cereal gave me a box of surprisingly warm nutri-grain.  salvation in refrigerated milk.

i ate top ramen tonight to save up for an air conditioner.  poo.

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